Hello there!

We’re Email Bees and we specialize in


for small businesses

We know how hard and costly is to start and grow a business.

That’s why we put our 25 years of experience into helping small business owners to start with their email marketing and squeeze $$ from it, for a fair price.

Our clients

We had the chance to work with cool brands, but more importantly, some wonderful people behind them.

We only have one rule:

we don’t work with assholes.

We play fair and expect you to.

Schedule a discovery call here

Here’s what we can do for you

Email automation

Website form for those sign ups, and all that follows, to grow your email list and drip revenue without you moving a finger.

We keep an eye on it and optimize as we go.

Let’s roll

Email campaigns

We can do strategy only or a full campaign run for you.


Click here to hire us


To partner with you, our criteria include a baseline

of at least 5,000 monthly visitors to your site.

Steps we take to onboard a new partner:


You book a discovery call with us.

Before the call, we’ll email you our client questionnaire,

so we can collect some basic info to start with.

We hop on a call, chat about where you are

and where you want to be with your email marketing.

STEP 02:

We come up with a plan.

The strategy, the software, the marketing budget.

After we agree on it, we get to work.


No revenue for you, no payment for us.

Our pricing is performance-based (email marketing revenue share),

so if we don’t earn you money, we don’t charge you.

Keeps us motivated and our clients happy.

Sounds good?

Let’s chat

25 years of marketing experience

at your service

We’re three good friends and marketing lovers.

One of us is also a beekeeper, hence the name.

Also, we’re old.

We don’t do social networking.

Email is how you get to us, of course.

Say hi, shoot questions or send funny GIFs to:


Your Email Bees 🐝🐝🐝


How soon I’m gonna see the results?

We do our first report after the first month, but our clients usually see the results within 24 hours after we set up the forms and flows (usually 5-10 days).

How much should I invest at the beginning?

If you run your shop on Shopify, you don’t even have to invest anything, as we can utilize Shopify email that offers sending 10,000 emails for free. Even if you breach that limit, the investment is minimal. For example, one of our clients earned more than 15k with an investment of $20 within just 2 months. For larger businesses, we propose the email platform depending on their email marketing budget.

What is a discovery call?

We get to know each other and learn more about your business (website, platform it runs on, confirm monthly traffic). We briefly discuss your options, wants and needs. After that, we come up with a plan you’re comfortable with.

What is a performance-based pricing?

We usually charge 10% of what we earn to you within the first three months. For that time, we keep an eye on your flows and campaigns and optimize where needed. From there, you can continue to work with us or we can train your team to keep it going.

Let’s chat